Whole Gains: Biorhythm-ADS 100% Whole Gains is the first truly hybrid anabolic protein meal, created with time release and protein absorption in mind. Whole Gains is 100% truly anabolic.
100% Whole Gains is what you want. Lean, solid and functional muscle tissue. You want the ultimate physique, not some mass gainer that turns you into a blimp. Well Biorhythm ADS - Advanced Dietary Supplements, have the answer with the worlds most potent and safe hybrid anabolic protein. This great tasting, and amazing mixing protein system is used by the truly informed athletes to develop their most sought after, truly head turning physiques.
Biorhythm's 100% Whole Gains can be tailored for any purpose and any athlete, of either sex, in order to truly develop the most inspired fitness/bodybuilding physique.